Recipe for Secret Ingredient Bread

Warm 400 milliliters of milk and stir in 2 teaspoons of vinegar. Refrain from stirring for a while so it may curdle and activate.
Combine the dry ingredients with the milk-vinegar mixture and stir until a dough is formed.
To get a smooth dough, knead it on a floured surface. Make a ball with it.
After 30 grams of vegetable oil has been greased into a bowl, add the dough, cover, and set aside to rise for one to two hours, or until it has doubled in size.
Get your oven ready for 180°C (350°F).
Punch down the dough once it has risen, then divide it into equal halves and shape it into a loaf or rolls.
After beating the egg, brush it over the bread.
For an extra burst of flavor and crunch, sprinkle with poppy seeds.
The bread should be browned and sound hollow when tapped when baked for around 25 to 30 minutes in a preheated oven.
For a shiny finish, brush 40g of vegetable oil over the bread while it's still warm.
Slice and serve when it has cooled a little.
For an extra unique touch, try adding a dab of vinegar to your handmade Secret Ingredient Bread. Enjoy!